quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013

System graceli structural, functional, and evolutionary.

Phenomena system graceli.
Categories dimensional. Graceli on your system does not use space and time as dimensions, but dimensions with physical actions, and for this he developed and divided into categories dimensions.

Morfofísica. Some form of energy has actions on the behavior and development of phenomena ing into the matter, energy and space.

Layers graceli - both within the whole system of matter, energy, suburbs, fields, atmospheres, belts, radiation, rings, galaxies are formed of layers and that these layers has determinant function on all other phenomena. That is, are not uniform. And they produce a system of phases of varying intensity, although not in progressions.

Tracks are graceli-magnetic energy plans that extend into the matter and in the periphery and even within a maximum range. and forming the rings, rotations with slopes almost aligned with each other, ecliptic, atmospheric belts, asteroid belts, plan inclination orbits almost in alignment.
That is, an energy of attraction with action planificadora extending in space.

Graceli one field - a system where all fields behave as if they were as one. Including gravity. [See published in the internet field theory one graceli].

Energy graceli layers and stages, planificantes energy ranges, one field graceli, fenomenodimensões graceli, fenomenometria graceli.

The structure of the universe, galaxies, astronomical systems, atmospheres, rings, belts atmospheric orbits, rotations, and phenomenality structure within the stars [see fisicologia graceli], atoms and electrons and orbits around atoms are divided into layers and phases, and planificantes tracks and desplanificantes energy graceli.

Tracks, layers and layers of tracks planificante energy in space and within matter.

That is, the tracks are not even a beginning to an end, for within tracks themselves have layers with different functions and actions, each with more intensity planificantes and others not.

And this uneven layers occurs within their own tracks as well close without a primary energy intensity of small to medium, more in the center reaches its apex and then will decrease.

This we see in the atmospheric belts of Jupiter, the asteroid belts, the rotations of the planets, the orbits of electrons in the orbits of satellites such as Jupiter, in the form of peripheral centers of galaxies with stars and gases more scattered in parts medians planned more and more scattered on the edges, but still maintaining a planning.

And after the layers of the tracks graceli starts to occur the phenomenon of twisting continued, leading to reverse movements of rotation and translation, backward, non uniform, desmorfolizantes, and unstable continuous flow of rotations, orbits and shapes.

This happens in atoms, stars, galaxies and stars, and atmospheric belts, rings.

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